1. Visual inspection: Inspector visually inspects the exterior and interior of the building for conducive conditions or signs of termite infestation,
such as swarm tubes, fecal pellets, or damaged wood.
2. Tap testing: The inspector taps the wooden surfaces of the building to listen for a hollow sound, which indicates that the wood has been
damaged by termites.
3. Probe testing: The inspector may use a probe to test the wooden surfaces for termite damage, inserting the probe into suspected areas to see if
it is hollow or damaged.
4. Attic and Crawl Space examination: Attic and crawl space are visually inspected for signs of any wood destroying organisms and conducive
conditions such as fungus damage.
5. Report: After completing the inspection, the inspector will prepare a report that details the results of the inspection, including any evidence of
termite infestation and recommendations for treatment.
Types of Inspections
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